Conference Exhibitor Registration
Deadlines: Early Bird Oct. 3; Final Oct. 20
- The APWA-MN Fall Conference will be held at the Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake.
- The Exhibit Hall will be open one day - Thursday, Nov. 16 - with over four hours devoted exclusively to exhibits with food and beverages available.
- The Exhibit Hall will be in the Waconia Ballroom.
- Exhibit booths should be staffed Nov. 16 from 7:15 - 8:30 am (breakfast), 9:45 - 10:15 am (AM break), 2:15 - 2:45 pm (PM break) and 4:00 - 6:00 pm (networking reception). Breakfast, AM and PM breaks, and the networking reception will be set up in the Exhibit Hall. Exhibitors are welcome to staff their booth all day, including during education sessions and other events.
- Set up your exhibit booth at 6:00 am Thursday, Nov. 16 and be open to network during the 7:15 am breakfast in the Exhibit Hall. If preferred, exhibitors can delay setup until 8:30 am to be open for the AM break at 9:45. No booth setup permitted between 7:15 - 8:30 am.
- Each exhibit booth is 8' deep and 10' wide. Each booth includes a wastebasket and either one 6' table and two chairs or two standing cocktail tables and two stools.
- Each booth reservation includes up to four booth staff per day with access to the exhibit hall only (no education sessions). Add lunches for booth staff or additional booth staff after your reservation is received.
- Exhibit booth locations will be assigned as they are received, starting nearest food and beverage stations and networking spaces. Specific exhibit booth location requests are not available.
- Tear down your exhibit booth at 6:00 pm Thursday after the networking reception.
Confirmed exhibitors will receive a follow-up email within five business days of registration with additional details, sign-up for booth staff and the option to add lunches for booth staff.
Questions: Email Mary Detloff, conference planning consultant, at [email protected]..